28 сентября 2006

Cough Cough!

SK is sick; send flowers.


Blogger Fiddler said...

A physical ailment? A cold, the flu? Too much fair food or wet fair conditions? I need to know in order to send the proper floral arrangement...

2:15 PM, сентября 28, 2006  
Blogger SK said...

A cold, which began as a sore throat the day after the fair, and has progressed to the usual sort of mind-altering congestion and hit-by-a-truckness.

4:39 PM, сентября 28, 2006  
Anonymous Анонимный said...

I have no flowers, but I do have bouquets of SJ love, which smell like Mango-Peach body wash and fog machines (from the Tomb where I seem to spend my time, now).

I don't have my cell phone charger so I don't have a cell phone and I remembered your blog because you made it one of my favorites and here I am. I haven't seen you in forevah-evah.

Feel better, though. And then when you are not sick we can take glorious SJ and SK adventures, maybe even with double, because oh, adventures are needed.

8:48 AM, октября 11, 2006  

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